Get your chicks here! We have Amberlinks & Black Australorps in stock.
Golden Comets and Barred Rocks arrive on Thursday 3/27/24! $4.
00 each.
We only order pullets, we special order roosters.
LaFargeville Agway 315-658-2211.
Arriving Soon! Reserve yours today!
4/1/24-Assorted Ducks
4/4/24- ISA Brown, Barred Rock, White Leghorn, Golden Comets
4/18/24-Columbian Rock, Golden Wyandotte, Light Brahma, Americana
5/2/24-Golden Comets, Cornish Cross ($2.
75), Black Australorp, Americana, Guinea Keets ($6.
5/15/24-Black Australorps, ISA Brown, White Leghorn, Barred Rock